Why is anatomy important

Anatomy has been practised within art since early sculpture work of the greeks and romans.

In most circumastances by building a muscle system you will effectivly be building a replica system that imitates that of the organic human. Humans consistantly surround us in our eveyday lives, making our eye very sesitive to the human form, making us capable of picking up on the smallest of details or flaws within a design.

Art through study needs to beat this critical perception by quality or style.(cartoons). The human figure has been central to the creation of art for thousands of years. Starting with the ancient Greeks and Romans, artists sought perfection in representation of the figure. Until the 20th century, it was the central theme of artistic endeavor and the benchmark against which artist skill was measured.(eaton.s)

The famous work of Da Vincis notebooks specifically Vitruvian Man portraying the physics of muscles springs to most people minds. He used corpses to analyse the structure of the human body. We now see it portrayed in all mediums of art from sculpture, photography, life dawing and now cg which works on techinical aspects worked with those from our imagination.




Anatomy is the structural foundation that grounds characters in the pshyical world and makes them believeable, whether they are cartoons or imaginary creatures (scott, eaton) which leads us on to the subject of muscle systems

From here the focus will be on skeletal muscles as i plan to conduct my research on a humanoid limb, focusing primarily on the deformation of the bicep located on the front side of the upper arm. This is the muscle that we prodominatly think about, one of the few found on display the majority of the time. It also portrays one of the largest deformations from its relaxed to contracted state. Therefore i will be basing my research on the human muscular system although many of the same principles can be applied to both.

created by lawrence elliott MA 3D Bournemouth University 2008